I hope that title is as fun to say out loud as it was in my head, haha. E and V showed interest in a colour mixing activity at the museum recently. We are working on wrist and arm rotation and strengthening muscle tone, so I wanted to put together an activity that, was not only following their interest but also allowed them to work on those areas.
Enter dripper colour mixing.

This activity allows them to use the pincer grip for the dripper. The opening and closing of the containers help refine fine movement and strengthen dexterity. There is also the strengthening of the arm muscles as they hold the dripper above the target and stabilize.

What was used:
-Plastic tray safe for waterwork. Pictured is from Target’s dollar area a few years ago, but I have these on our wishlist.
–Food dye to tint the water.
–Anti-slip tub mat. The bottom side with suckers that hold the perfect amount of water. Clear so that they could easily see the colours and results.
-Rag, for spills.
I introduced this activity by dripping individual colours and then another to create a secondary colour. Preformed nice and slow so they can clearly see the steps individually prefermed.

This activity was perfect for when E and V weren’t feeling well and needed to rest. It allowed them to do something more than rest on a couch, while still being able to sit and not exert themselves too much.
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