E and V began their potty learning journey with elimination communication (EC), which we loved and had no issues. As their journey continued, there became a preference for toilets. While I’ve heard of this being an issue for some children, my experience with T and starting early with EC had me believing that toilets wouldn’t be an issue–but they were.

We have four different potty learning toilets. Two we began with, one is for travel, the latest and greatest, well, I’ll share more about that one in a moment.

We started with two toilets; one for the bathroom and one for the main living area, for easy accessibility. When both E and V wanted to use the one in the main living area, at the same time, we later put both there–and that’s when we realized there were preferences.

Once both toilets were in the same location, potty learning took a dive. I didn’t think much of it at first, it’s normal and they are still young. After a while, I realized V didn’t care for one of the toilets, like, at all. She disliked it so much that she stopped using the toilets all together–going from toilet use 80% of the time to 0%. I then suffered from a concussion that resulted in slow healing leaving Hubby to handle it all and a potty learning/EC halt altogether. Once I was able to take over again, we had to start from the beginning. This worked out great as it gave me an opportunity to ‘fix’ the mistakes, or rather a potty mistake, I hadn’t noticed soon enough.

Potty learning was going really well again, but there was an increased interest in the main toilet, the one we use in the restroom. Both E and V decided that this was their preferred toilet. To make this safe and give them increased independence we purchased this potty and ladder. I hesitated for a few weeks because I didn’t want another toilet just taking up space, but I’m so glad I changed my mind. It has been amazing! But as wonderful as it has been, I’m glad we didn’t begin with it and waited until they showed an interest in the larger toilet themselves.

I’m not sure if the new potty and ladder deserve credit, but V has decided she no longer wants diapers, at all. I also thought it a bit flimsy, but it’s actually perfect–light enough for V to move it and set up when necessary. This includes when going out or for naps (thankfully she doesn’t mind them for nighttime). And so, another toilet has entered our life: the traveling potty.

The traveling potty we have is awesome! It can be used over a regular toilet OR as a toilet on its own using legs that pop into place. When away from others and in nature, it can be popped open and used as-is. When in a public location or using in the back of the car, we can use a baggie to contain the mess. This the same toilet we kept in the RV.

If your little one is potty learning, have you noticed a preference in toilets?

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