We recently started Crafty Tuesday. Tuesdays were one of the days we would visit the library. With that not being an option right now, and with them becoming more interested in what we are doing, I thought crafts would be a great alternative. Painting seemed like a great introduction. At nine months, crafts are best short, simple, and sweet.
Everything goes into their mouths currently and I felt it would be a bit insensitive to use food for play when there are so many who go hungry. So when I saw another Montessori mother use ziplock bags, that seemed to be the perfect solution. Normally we limit plastic as much as possible. But, under the circumstances, we currently have some bags on hand.
Their first painting project was rainbows. I placed the the paper in the bag and carefully squirted some tempera paint along the edge of construction paper, then sealed the bag. Using painters tape, I secured the bags to their table, although that didn’t last long. The girls are used to removing tape, it was an activity they did to practice their pincher grasp.
At first, they didn’t know what to think and they didn’t seem all the interested. So I brought out their rolling pins (theirs are from TJ Maxx, but here is a similar one). They have started to consistently pull these from their kitchen area (currently in progress), so I thought they would enjoy have the opportunity to use them. With the rolling pins, they really started to enjoy themselves.
The girls have really taken an interest in the mallets used for their ball tracker and xylophone. This past Tuesday, I decided to combine that new love of hammering with mixing colours. So I layered primary colours in such a way, that upon impact form the hammer, their secondary colour should emerge. Blue and yellow to create green, blue and red for purple, yellow and red to make orange, red and while for pink. Once again, placing them in a ziplock bag (I washed and reused the same ones from out previous project). This time, I didn’t even attempt to tape them to the table.
It’s safe to say, that this was their favourite craft to date. Do you incorporate crafts in your weekly routine?
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