It’s been some time since I’ve been able to post a blog, and for that, I apologize. We’ve had five weeks of illness running throughout this house. Once it appeared E and V were nearly over something, they seemed to pick up yet another childhood yuckie–yay for strengthening that immune system (I say that half sarcastically).
One of my favourite posts to share is about our homeschooling, particularly our monthly outline. While I create them to E and V’s interests and needs as well as their own development, I love to hear how others are able to incorporate all or parts of it for their own children’s homeschool journey. There won’t be one for November and not sure about December. With all the illnesses we’ve been in survival mode, not much time spent in our homeschool room or me having time, or energy, to plan anything.
What we have had is some time spent with their materials (I rotated materials on their main self twice and we even rearranged their bedroom to accommodate new needs) and a lot of pretend play. There are times I’ve paused, feeling guilty that I’m not doing enough. Then I received a message from an Instagram follower asking if I work out when I don’t feel well, asked in response to me sharing in my stories that I was back to my morning workout after a month off. My response, in short, “No, my body needs to recover. I work out to push it and waste my energy, but my body needs that in order to heal.” And then I was reminded of a quote by Mister Fred Rogers, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.”
Here I am fretting about a lack of time in the homeschool room or, more so, the energy I haven’t spent searching for particular books and ways to follow a curiosity while my children, whose bodies are recovering, are also already so busy learning. Seriously learning.
“Play is the work of the child.”
Maria Montessori
Why did I rotate items on their shelf more than I generally do? Because of the time spent at home and to meet both their need for rest and activity. They don’t just want to lie on a couch all day watching Mister Rogers (read about our screen time use and illness here) and, as you’ll see in the screen time post, it’s important to us that we provide opportunities for movement, as they are able and up for. (Again, as they are able and up for. Sometimes the simple act of taking a bath or walking to and from the restroom is enough.)
During the first few weeks, both E and V had little energy, with much reading and choosing work to do on their laps, such as lacing cards. In the third week, their energy was rather improved and interest in open-ended materials developed. They were celebrating birthday parties for farm animals with travels that extend well past the living area all the way to the mud room.
I have a few posts in the work and I can’t wait to finish up and share. Until then I’ll be keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that fire cider, hydration, and taking it nice and easy will clear things out and keep all here illness free. If you’re facing the same, or similar, situation as well as feeling guilt, just remember that play is work, nurture the child as a whole, and this is a short season.
The illnesses are so intense right now! My twins have also been sick a lot recently, and we have been in survival mode. So glad you are being kind to yourself and I hope everyone feels better soon.
Thank you! Wishing you all a quick and full recovery–and a greatly strengthened immune system. I hope you’re able to get some rest yourself.