During one of our nature walks the girls and I collected a little bucket of fallen leaves. There were a few activities that I had a mind, after observing E and V’s latest interests and milestones.
Colour sorting– When collecting leaves, I made it a point to collect solid green, brown, red, and yellow ones. These particular ones I laminated (the laminator and sheets I love) so they could sort them into different colour groups–they won’t crumble in the hands of two excited toddlers like real leaves, which we colour sort, as well. With just four basic coloured leaves it won’t be too overwhelming. (This is the tray we use.)
Leaf threading– While both girls are into threading, V has been particularly into it and was ready for an increased challenge. I laminated a few of the smaller leaves that were perfect for little toddler hands to manage and, with a hole puncher, punched a few holes to create a larger one that was wide enough for their DIY wooden needle. V loved it! While laminated they were sturdy, but not as stiff as the wood pieces that she was previously threading.
Leaf rubbing– As the girls are enjoying crayons and coloring more, I thought it would be fun to try our hand at leaf rubbing. I taped the leaves to the table and then taped a paper over the leaves, ensuring that nothing would move while they worked. I prefer these crayons as there is no paper and they are thick, perfect for their toddler strength. Although peeling the paper off other crayons would allow them to work on their pincer and dexterity, we just don’t have any at home currently.
Feeling textures– We explore the leaves and other treasures that they collect on our hike. We go over smooth, rough, gritty, etc as they enjoy crushing the leaves and sprinkling them all other the table and ground–which is fine, as it’s an opportunity to clean😄
Have you enjoyed any of these leaf activities with your little one?
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