There have been a few questions I’ve been frequently asked about homeschooling E and V and I thought it would be best to explain, more in-depth, here.
Are they allowed to go into their homeschool room whenever?
Yes and no. The only requirement is that they need to be supervised as there are choking hazards and they frequently need to be redirected to appropriate mouthing materials, like their chewies. In the winter, we currently use an electrical heater to keep that room warm–the previous owners didn’t convert it thoroughly. So if I am unable to be in there with them, they need to wait until I can.
While we generally head to the homeschool room around 11–Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays–we find ourselves in there other days and often after naps.
Why the short time? (Our goal is one hour.)
They are two. Right now it’s about creating a routine, becoming comfortable with the space, and offering opportunities.
“Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire ‘to make him learn things’, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.”
—Dr. Maria Montessori
Do you really expect them to retain what you teach them?
Honestly, right now I’m doing three things:
One–We are making homeschooling a part of our routine, while gradually increasing time and incorporating more. For instance, we have been doing Music Monday since birth. First, it was just listening to the music and then playing what instruments we had available and they were able to. And, no, they don’t know who Tchaikovsky really is, but they have been exposed to and enjoy the music of Swan Lake. They’ve been exposed to what a trumpet sounds like and make requests.
Two–I’m trying to instill a love for learning and how to go about finding information. The other day V brought me one of her current favourite books, pointed to Wu Zetian, and said, “More book, mama.” Usually when we read about something that looks interesting, and I’d like to incorporate it into our homeschool plan, I’ll mention that I need to find some more books on the person or topic. To have her say that to me says that she understands that she can ask and learn more. I’m really excited for the “why” phase and this is preparation as, “I don’t know” will never be a response they will hear. (Something I pride myself on since T.)
Three–I’m trying to understand the best ways they learn so that I can make sure I provide information, not only in an enjoyable way but in such a way that works best for them. Through this, I have learned that one of them is able to retain verbal information, and really well. They both enjoy and understand information from hands-on as well as books. This may change over time, the important thing is that I’m being observant and working with what they need, not against it.
How does homeschooling look in your home?
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