Hubby built a Pikler shortly before the girls were born, neither of us realizing all the ways we would use it. It has been fantastic! We’ve used it to hang mobiles when they were newborns along with silks and other fabrics for them to feel and pull. Once they started to army crawl, we used it to create obstacle courses and hanging a blanket has made for a great tunnel and fort. Lately, they are starting to use it to stand.
For Easter, Hubby made them a ramp to accompany their Pikler, for use as a slide. They aren’t able to slide independently, yet, and its a little too difficult for them to climb up. So he decided to make the other side a rock climbing wall. He 3D printed rocks and, once the screws arrived, he was able to attach them. He created multiple locations where the rocks may be secured. This allows us to create different challenges. Currently there are just a few rocks affixed. That way they are able to climb around them, but they are there when needed. When placed on the second rung of the Pikler, E and V are able to climb and descend all they like with ease.
While not traditional Montessori material, the Pikler is still often found in many Montessori homes. Most children will climb, as it’s part of our natural instinct. The Pikler helps provide a safe place for the child to meet this need, devolve skills, and accommodate their desire to move.
If you would like to build your own Pikler, Hubby has shared plans to build one similar to ours here.

Do your children have a Pikler and ramp that they enjoy?