On Tuesdays, or Crafty Tuesday as we call it, I try to come up with crafts that the girls will enjoy, be able to accomplish a majority of on their own, and incorporates a skill they are currently working on.
This particular craft involves hammering, which they love, and is a motor skill they are presently working on. And, once I set it up and demonstrated, they are able to accomplish on their own.
I dislike picking flowers. I feel bad. But, with Hubby needing to mow the lawn, we went out and collected a few. It has been raining for the last few days, so this made for a nice bit of time outdoors when the downfall paused for a moment. While we were able to gather a small variety of flowers; dandelions, wild geraniums, and hepatica for this craft, most any colorful flowers will do.
Here are the materials we used:
- wax paper
- white construction paper
- large ziplock bags (We used the same freezer bag we’ve been using for all out crafts.)
- mallets (We use the ones from this set and this one.)
- flowers
I fold the paper in half and then fold the wax paper over that- this prevent the hammered flowers from sticking to the bag or, if your little one doesn’t require a bag for containment, the mallet. Between the two, we lined up the flowers, with the petals facing the construction paper. Once the flowers were in a desirable design, we gently placed in the zip lock bag.
Using one of their favourite materials, the mallet, the girls were able to create a mess-free and fun birthday card for Hubby just by hammering away. Next time, we will make sure we remove the leaves and stems, only leaving the petals. (It’s important for child to see the whole of an item and that’s why we kept it in its entirety.)
Has your child tried hammering flower petals?
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