*Routine is more strict while a rhythm is more fluid. I will be using both terms as they both seem to apply, although when it comes to E and V it’s more rhythm.*
We follow our children and their needs. So when creating our routine/rythym we do it with them and their needs in mind. The routine should work for your child, not the other way around. While we had a good routine that, with some slight adjustments, has worked for some time. A recent move and the addition of a more accessible homeschool room called for us to reassess what our day-to-day rhythm looked like.
First, I’ll share the general rhythm. I’ll also include housework routine and such because “when do you do housework” is one of the most commonly asked questions I recieve.
We don’t do schedules by the hour, well at least not the whole day, rather we do time blocking. I’ll explain as I go, so lets get started.
E and V wake sometime between 7:30 and 8:30. So this is when I rise, too. Should I get up earier and use the treadmill? Probably, but that has only happened a handful of times and I just don see it happening again anytime soon, haha.
Once they wake our morning routine begins and this lasts until 11 AM.
Our morning time block includes:
- Getting dressed.
- Morning basket and breakfast.
- Workout. (It’s so important that E and V know I take care of my mental health through physical activity, setting an example and it’s so sweet when they join in.)
- Skincare (SPF everyday!). This is my routine that they’ve come to enjoy and part of ‘me-time’. This is when I mediate. Having ADHD it’s difficult to clear my mind and be calm for long periods of time. I find the minute between applying products to take deep-breaths is great for me and great preparation for two little 2-year-olds and that’s why it’s included in the list. (I rarely wear makeup, but if I do, they aren’t around for that as I never want them to see it as necessary.)
- Chores. We do a load of laundry every day, we put away the dishes that went through the wash the night before, and we usually vacuum. This is when we do ‘day of the week chores’, for example Friday is bathrooms.
At 11 AM we move on to the homeschool room where, unless I’m presenting a material, I just try to stay out of the way and observe unless needed. Homeschooling doesn’t all take place here. Sometimes we move materials outdoors or we work in another room.
If I mostly observe, what routine is there? There really isn’t, that’s why we have theme days. Certain days of the week, after nap and a snack, we focus on the theme of the week. This way they still have the time to work on traditional Montessori materials. This is never forced, just out. I will soon just include this in the morning as an option, but right now isn’t the time as we are still unpacking and perfecting the homeschool room.
- Monday is Music Monday
- Tuesday is art
- Wednesday we do an outing (like a farm)
- Thursday we try new foods and often baking/cooking
You may notice that our school week is only four days long and that’s because they are two, young two at that. Right now it’s all about starting the routine and building little by little. Working and learning in the home is so important, practice life skills takes place most of the day. Remember, the Montessori school is created to be like a home.
Another thing we often do is focus on an area; studying their music, art, and food throughout a week. We did France (mostly because that’s a huge part of their culture, obviously, haha) a few months ago. We listened and learned about Debussy on Monday. Tuesday we studied the work of Seurat and made our own pointillism pieces using q-tips, pom-poms, and paint. Thursday we made yogurt cake (gateau au yaourt). Do you HAVE to do this? Goodness no, I just think it’s a fun theme, much like studying pumpkins and apples in the fall.
I hope this helps you on your homeschooling journey? Is there something you’d like me to cover? Please share it below in the comments or DM me on Instagram.
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