This will be E and V’s second Easter and, unfortunately, second Easter during a pandemic, which is a bummer. The traditions that I grew-up with these two have yet to experience and it breaks my heart a bit. But, we’re going to build new traditions that we will later (hopefully next year) begin blending with the old.
One of the popular questions I’m being asked right now is what we plan on placing in their baskets this year. (They are still enjoying some of last year’s Easter goodies–I even saved the eggs to reuse.) Putting together this year’s Easter baskets has been such a blast and I really look forward to Easter morning as they are able to participate in a few traditional Easter activities, like locating eggs, more. One tradition I began with T years ago was placing puzzle pieces in the eggs that I then hid. When he was older, I would write a hint on a blank puzzle as to where he could find his Easter basket (similar to these puzzles).
If you’ve been a reader here for a while (thank you!), you’ll probably remember that I take gift-giving holidays as an opportunity to get materials that will be used for more than just that holiday, to expand our Montessori materials, or get items that are more challenging than the materials that they have an love. I try not to get something just because it’s Easter/Christmas/Valentine’s themed. That being said, I do, however, tend to purchase books geared around that particular season–the life of a bibliophile, haha.
So here are materials that we have purchased, or will be purchasing, for Easter baskets. (Asterisk items are materials that I might save until their birthday. I’ll be observing them over the next month to see if they will truly be ready for them by Easter or just hold off until June.)
Little Blue Truck’s Springtime book– We love all the Little Blue Truck’s books that we currently have, so I think E and V will enjoy this one, too.

A five-layer bunny puzzle– A cute Easter themed puzzle that may not be too challenging. It’s also not too Easter-y.
First Orchard game– Our family loves games and family game nights. While we find ways for E and V to enjoy all the games Hubby and I play, I love finding games that are more for them. I can’t wait to see what they think about it!

*Haba perfect pairs– A new challenge of matching different shapes and sizes.
*Hape counting stacker– Perfect for V right now, as she is really into colour sorting (E is beginning to enjoy it, too) and later for counting.

Melissa and Doug school bus– Both E and V are really into vehicles right now, like really into them. They spend hours each day playing with the cars they currently have; pushing them on the floor, rolling the down the ramp, and just spinning the wheels. One off their favorite songs is Wheels on the Bus, so I had to get them this. It also comes with people who can be placed inside and I think that’s just something extra they will enjoy.
*Leaf wood puzzle– I like that these don’t have a know, so I can place them out individually when studying individual trees and its leaves or keep it all together as a puzzle. The details won me over at first sight.

Schleich chicken coop– We love Schleich animals and the girls really love their farm (they tend to it every morning). Every holiday or birthday (I say that as if they’ve had more than one birthday so far, haha) I take the opportunity to expand our collection. Parts of this set will be kept away until they are no longer mouthing materials or rather placed aside unless supervised, but the larger chicken will be enjoyed.
Animal family match puzzle– They love animals and are starting to name them more and more. I always try to give the appropriate names of the family members and I think they will enjoy matching the images. They already like matching the animals tiles I made them, so this might add just the right amount of challenge and an opportunity to go over the correct ‘mummy/daddy’ and ‘baby’ names together.

Rechenka’s Eggs– We have enjoyed all the books we’ve read by Polacco so far and this seems like fun Easter themed book that. We haven’t read it yet, but the cover’s artwork has already won me over.
Mindful Movements book– We have a few of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books for children and I’m excited to expand our collecting.

M&D service station garage– I was looking at a few other items, but the girls are really into cars. So I knew I had to follow their interest and get them something that I hope they truly enjoy.
Sitting Still activity book– Another mindful book.

Bunny hutch– Expanding their farm. Easter seems like the perfect time for a bunny hutch. While not Schleich, the detail still looks wonderful.
Guidecraft stacking rainbow pyramid– I wanted to get this for E and V for Christmas and I couldn’t find them anywhere! I was so excited to see it finally in-stock I couldn’t wait to get them for the girls. These can be used for open play and for exploring secondary colours. I also absolutely love this brand!

Trench coat- The girls needed new jackets and when I found little trench coats that look like mine, I just had to. While this isn’t the exact one, it looks pretty close and I love it!
Backpacks- When T was younger I got him a little backpack. He enjoyed my purses. He’d like to put items in, zip it or button it up and carry it around. When I found mini backpacks at the local store I had to get two for E and V. The perfect alternative to baskets. They also offer the practical applications of zipping and snapping–I made sure both backpacks had both options. While I couldn’t find the exact replicas, I found a few that were similar. This option has zipper and a snap pocket, this one has a similar floral print, as does this one, and this one is nice and simple with a few solid colour options.

If your family celebrated Easter, what are you placing in baskets this year?
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