Having talked about our meditation tracers in the last post, I realized that I never actually shared how I made them. The meditation tracer board was a little something I put together to encourage the girls to start practicing a form of meditation with me–something that I could start doing with them and that they could practice on their own, in time.

All that is required:

  • wooden frames (purchased from the local craft store, similar to these)
  • thin leftover board as sturdier backing (or cardboard)
  • glitter fabric paint (what I had on hand)
  • Velcro or 3M Command strips (something else I just happened to have on hand)

We have only three frames and I wanted the boards to be interchangeable–for variety and so that some may be used now, others later–thus I used 3M strips so we could easily swap them out. The boards could be used without the frames, but frames make it much more aesthetically pleasing and allows the tracers to be hung.

Using the fabric paint I created a few different boards; a bumpy board, zig zag, lines, heart, and general design.

We sit together and lightly trace one of the design. We may use the bumpy board; gently going over the bumps and around them. We may following the glitter pattern of the heart (a current favourite). There are times we have covered the board with satin and follow the design, adding for another sensory experience. V has even enjoyed going over the design with a brush.

*Update: The mediation tracers have now been used, and loved, for a few months. When feelings of frustration arise, I redirect to area where the tracers are. We either sit together and use them together, or they may choose to use them alone. They definitely have a positive impact on how we are learning to deal with strong emotions.

Are you introducing mediation and self-care to your little?


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