February just flew by and now it time for March’s plan with so many wonderful cultures to learn about. You will notice an influence of current events and holidays–stereotypes will not be celebrated but culture admired and appreciated.
Again, I wasn’t always able to find books about those we wished to learn about–this hurts my soul as these people are awesome and deserve so many books written about them and all they do. As a bibliophile, I would love to fill my personal library with their stories. But how wonderful that we live in a time and era that the lack of published books doesn’t prevent us from learning about the kindness and inspiration of another. That being said, anyone can write anything on the world wide web so remember to practice discretion.
Please forgive that I’m not going as in-depth some days as I traditionally would. With what has been going on in the world, it’s been a little challenging to focus.
Week one (began in February): Isreal.
Monday: Lior Navok. A classical composer and pianist, you can read his blog here where you can hear pieces and he talks about the influences and such of some of his work. He has created operas, one being “The Bet” story by Anton Chekhov, whcih Im trying to locate (I’m a huge Chekhov fan).
Tuesday: Menashe Kadishman. Painter and sculpter, while he had a wide variety of styles he was best known for his paintings of sheep. We will focus on his popart sheep, particularly Sheep Head 2012. Bold paint will be available.
Wednesday: An outing and position. Jesus of Nazareth.
Thursday: Falafel.
Friday: Ballet.
Week Two: Ukraine.
Monday: Mykola Leontovych.
Tuesday: Maria Prymachenko. She worked in embroidery and ceramics a well as painting–so we are going to get these planting pots and potentially this kit for bowls which may be a great way to encourage food interest for children who experience difficult with foods or eating.
Wednesday: Outing and Taras Shevchenko.
Thursday: Stuffed cabbage rolls.
Friday: Ballet.
Week Three: Ireland.
Monday: John Field.
Tuesday: Francis Bacon, who was known for promotion of the scientific method. I found this book which I’m really looking forward to sharing with E and V. Lately I haven’t been able to locate as many books that they would be as drawn to, so this is a treat.
Thursday: Soda bread.
Friday: Dance.
Week Four: China.
Monday: Li Jinhui aka “Father of Chinese popular music”. The Chinese Nationalist Party attempted to ban his music and he was later a victim of political persecution.
Tuesday: Fan Kuan. We will take our art outdoors and use nature as our subject.
Wednesday: An outing and Empress Wu Zetian. Empress Zetian is actually the reason we are studying China this week as V repeatedly brings me this book and asks that we, “Look up, mama!” As she is familiar that when something interests us, we find out more information. Just a heads up–there’s a bit of conflicting information about Zetian regarding her child and some of it may be triggering. While not appropriate for E and V, it can be difficult for many.
Thursday: Bao.
Friday: Dance.
Week Five: Kenya.
Monday: Ayub Ogada.
Tuesday: Masidza Sande Galavu. Such a talented photographer. On instagram account remembering him can be found here.
Wednesday: An outing and learning about Wangari Maathai. This is a fantstic book about her and all that she accomplished; I can’t recommned it enough.
Thursday: Ugali.
Friday: Ballet.
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