Multiples are a blast! Before we went for an ultrasound I knew we were expecting more than one. Normally a very active person, I couldn’t even walk up a flight of stairs without being winded (yay for low blood pressure). There are so many items that that are necessary for singletons and multiples, like cameras and carseats, and items for Montessori infants that we had, like their topponcino. This is just a list of must haves, things, that I can’t imagine surviving without, for twins. I’d like to add that there are very few products that we purchased two of–but I’ll save that for another post.

In-line stroller: Side-by-side strollers serve their purpose, like jogging. But when you are in a crowded festival, shopping, doctor appointments, going through doors (which you will) an in-line stroller is an absolute must! We preferred the Uppababy stroller, as those are also the carseats we used and it allowed us to use two bassinets (perfect for when they were newborns).

Stroller basinets: These allowed for them to be less restricted and freedom to move, yet safe and able to enjoy their surroundings. When they were two months-old we went on our first road trip. These bassinets were perfect for strolling around the island, naps, and a safe place for bedtime.

Bedside bassinet: *This is often a controversial subject, so please speak to your doctor about the safest sleeping arrangements for your child. What is best/safety for your family may be different than what we did.* This is the bassinet that we used for the girls. It was big enough that it allowed them both to sleep comfortably for the first two months. I loved that it allowed them to be close to me throughout the night–I don’t know how many times I would check their breath. Due to an arm injury I was not able to pick them up from this, but it was close enough for Hubby to.

Twin carrier: This carrier is a must if you wish to carry twins at the same time. While this set is often used to carry two babies at the same time by one person, it can also be separated so that two people can each carry one infant. Although, if carrying one at a time, I still prefer my Ergo.

Nursing pillow: This is the pillow I currently use for the girls and have since they were four month-old. This pillow also allowed us to prop the girls up, for a short bit, after feedings (medically necessary). I used this pillow when they were newborns as it was much more supportive. Breastfeeding was such a battle and these pillows were so helpful in making it successful.

Lotus travel bed: We purchased two and they were wonderful for allowing the girls to sleep together, if they wish, when away from home. It also allows me to comfort them when they need it.

Owlet monitor: It’s not uncommon for multiples to have breathing problems. While I’ve read that these monitors can have false alarms, this has not been our experience. These little monitors have caught issues, which were confirmed by medical professionals, and provide us sleep knowing that if something goes wrong, we will be alerted. Wanting to protect their privacy I won’t go into ore detail, but we still use this and will purchase again for all our future children.

Elvie breast pump: The girls were in the NICU for a very short period of time, but long enough for them to introduce formula. Wanting to exclusively breastfeed, this led me to having to catch up with my supply to meet the girls’ needs. Pumping was the best way to do this, but pumping with twins is very difficult. It always seemed like the moment I would hook up and start, someone would need something. Buying these hands-free pumps were a lifesaver! I swear that they are the reason the girls started sleeping thhrough the night at two months-old. While I did try to stock pile some milk (I, unfortunately, had a few funerals), I pumped just to increase my supply. I really liked this particular pump, compared to the Willow, as it didn’t require expensive bags. It did take a moment to prefect using it, but once I did it saved so much time. *Breastfeeding is not an easy journey and may not be for everyone. Remember, a healthy baby is a fed one, no matter how you do it❤️

Notice that there isn’t a lot on this list? While there are so many products that are marketed as “must-haves” if you are expecting twins, like so many unnecessary items marketed for babies in general, most really aren’t needed.

Are there any specific products that you loved for your multiples?

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