The girls have been interested in shapes for a little bit now. It started with the star light that hangs in our room. They would point and we would tell them, “star,” and sign star to them, as well. Within a week, they were pointing at the light and signing star. When they started pointing at stars whenever they noticed them in books (this is their favourite), on signs, and on my clothes I knew it was time to introduce more shapes. I put together this little game to go over shapes and their other new interest, colours.

Using scrap wood pieces and acrylic paint, I painting two of each shape and colour we decided to focus on with the plan that more will follow, in time. This is so that they can posses one set and I the other. I can hold up a tile, like the red circle, and ask them if they can locate it. They look at the tiles in front of them and hand me the match. We can later use it as a memory game, too. Currently, we start with two tiles for each E and V.

V caught on really quickly and really enjoys finding the shapes I ask for. E worked on stacking the tiles, holding one up for me to name, “shuffling” like you would cards (we are clearly card game people, haha). These tiles are also how we discovered that they enjoy placing things in recycling and have found a few items that have beeb missing in action, haha.

The only difference I wish I would’ve done is create one set of shapes larger and the other smaller. Then we could use it to sort sizes, too. So that may be something to consider if you decided to create your own tiles.

Is your little one interested in shapes and colours?

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